The winter season is the period that can easily overwhelm a cold, especially if we do not pay attention. So it is good for us to strengthen our immunity so we can respond to the colds and infections that are currently circulating.
The best way to prepare is to balance the alkalinity of r blood. This is achieved by enhancing our diet with alkaline foods to create the right conditions for the immune person to do his job. And in this field Umeboshi is the “King of Alkaline Foods”.
British writer and Japanese gastronomy expert, Robbie Swinnerton, describes Umea as the equivalent nutritional equivalent of the cold shower! He writes “The spontaneous, caustic stick, spicy, salty taste, shakes the eyes open, shakes and wakes the stomach, wipes the stack of tastes, and makes the day start in a memorable way.”
Let us, however, talk a bit more in detail about his beneficial actions.
Umeboshi and its derivatives such as Ume Su are rich in organic acids (citric acid, pyruvic acid, malic acid, and succinic acid). Citric acid helps to sterilize the intestine and stomach, especially in the morning that is empty and pyruvic acid activates the functions of various body organs.
At a practical level, its strong acidic taste has a paradoxically strong alkaline effect on the body. It neutralizes fatigue, stimulates digestion, and enhances detoxification and calcium absorption. It helps the liver to remove alcohol, balance sugar, prevent anemia, and relieve stomach pain and intestinal gas pain. Used for water purification, dysentery and poisoning.
Mode of production
The Umeboshi process is known as “lacto bacterial fermentation”, one of the oldest food processing methods, in which beneficial probiotic lacto bacteria grow instead of other non-beneficial ones.
Apricot apricots are harvested at the end of June, when they are still sure and their juices at the peak of their sour cherry. Then they are washed, soaked to remove the bitter, and stacked in salt-exchanged containers. Slowly their liquids are removed. At the end of July they are spread on bamboo trays in the strong sun, to dry and dry a bit. Then, they are replaced in containers with their liquids and Shiso leaves (perilla frutensis) which give this red color, lemon flavor, many minerals and antibacterial and preservative properties. Finally, they are removed from the containers and placed in bins where they mature for one year. The red, now liquid, is bottled and sold as Omega Vinegar, one of the most characteristic and delicious Japanese cucumbers.
Together with the COFFEE ONE Project, it makes the Cream of Kuzu (OuSuKuzuu – recipe), which enhances the digestive function and alkalizes the organism, with multiple benefits. Mixed with ground roasted seeds, water, Mirin, Soy sauce and used in sauces for salads, cereals, sausage, Sushi and other dishes. With Tea Cookie, neutralizes fatigue from over-consumption of sugar.
The traditional method ensures the high quality of the product and its unique healing properties. Most UMEBOSHI producers are using sugar, dyes, additional organic acids and common salt to speed up the process. The best way is to test the ingredients, which should be organic cultivation and include Organic Apricots, Shiso Organic Sheets and Salt, as well as the UMEBOSHI ONE Project.