Κύκλος σεμιναρίων Μακροβιοτικής κουζίνας 2017

Σεμινάρια Μακροβιοτικής Κουζίνας

Vegan διατροφή για όλους, θεωρία και πράξη

Η διατροφή αποτελεί αναπόσπαστο κομμάτι της καθημερινότητας και του κοινωνικού πολιτισμού μας. Η επιδείνωση της υγείας πολλών ανθρώπων και οι περιβαλλοντικές εξελίξεις, οδηγούν όλο και περισσότερους συνανθρώπους μας σε μία πιο χορτοφαγική διατροφή. Η πρόκληση που πολλοί αντιμετωπίζουν είναι ότι υπάρχει ελλιπής ενημέρωση για μία ολιστική προσέγγιση της χορτοφαγίας. Η αποσπασματική ενημέρωση, οδηγεί πολλές φορές σε ανισορροπίες και προβλήματα υγείας.

Τα ζητούμενο είναι να μειώσουμε ή και να πάψουμε να τρεφόμαστε με κρέας, αυγά, γαλακτοκομικά και θαλασσινά και ταυτόχρονα να διατηρούμε υψηλή ενεργητικότητα, να μην κρυώνουμε τον χειμώνα, να είμαστε σε σωματική και πνευματική ισχύ, να ισορροπούμε ανάμεσα σε λογική και συναισθηματισμό κοκ.

Η Μακροβιοτική διατροφή μας δείχνει έναν απλό, κατανοητό τρόπο για να επιλέγουμε τα τρόφιμα και τους τρόπους επεξεργασίας τους, ανάλογα με τις ανάγκες μας, ώστε να επιτυγχάνουμε την ισορροπία στην καθημερινότητά μας.

Μαθαίνοντας πως μας επηρεάζει η κάθε τροφή και πώς να μαγειρεύουμε ώστε να επιτυγχάνουμε ένα χαλαρωτικό, αποτοξινωτικό ή/και δυναμωτικό/ενεργοποιητικό γεύμα, είναι μέρος της εκπαίδευσης στα Σεμινάρια Μακροβιοτικής Κουζίνας.

Τα μαθήματα

Τα Σεμινάρια Μακροβιοτικής Κουζίνας, αποτελούνται από έναν κύκλο τεσσάρων μαθημάτων, όπου θα διδάσκεται πώς να καταρτίζουμε ένα ισορροπημένο και γευστικό, χορτοφαγικό μενού, εμβαθύνοντας σε:

  • Επίδραση της τροφής στην υγεία και την καθημερινότητά μας
  • Η Ενέργεια της τροφής
  • Το Μακροβιοτικό πιάτο
  • Πώς διαμορφώνουμε ένα εβδομαδιαίο μενού
  • Ποικιλία συνταγών για όλα τα γεύματα
  • Επιδόρπια και σνακ χωρίς ζάχαρη και ζωικές τροφές
  • Φυσικές-χορτοφαγικές καθημερινές συνταγές για υγεία

Σε κάθε μάθημα προσφέρεται γεύμα και δίνεται μία εργασία για το σπίτι.


Μάθημα 1-2 : 3/12/2017, 11:00 – 14:00 και 16:00 – 19:00
Εισαγωγή στην Μακροβιοτική φιλοσοφία και μαγειρική. Ενέργεια της τροφής. Το Μακροβιοτικό πιάτο.
Αλλαγές και προσαρμογή από την προηγούμενη διατροφή μας. Νέα υλικά και μαγειρικές τεχνικές. Βασικό Μενού.

Μάθημα 3-4:  10/12/2017, 11:00 – 14:00 και 16:00 – 19:00
Πως επιλέγουμε υλικά και τρόπους μαγειρικής ανάλογα με την ενέργεια, εποχή, ασθένειες κοκ.
Φαγητό εκτός σπιτιού, σνακ. Προτάσεις για ειδικά Μενού.

Διδάσκουν: ONE Project (Σταύρος Καραγιλάνης, Κώστας Τζαλλήλας)
Κόστος κύκλου:

140 ευρώ ανά άτομο. 
Δεν περιλαμβάνονται φόροι.
Απαραίτητη η δήλωση συμμετοχής.

  • Οι συμμετέχοντες στους κύκλους σεμιναρίων των ONE project, δικαιούνται έκπτωση 25% για όλα τα υπόλοιπα σεμινάρια.
  • Για ζευγάρια, οικογένειες, 120 ευρώ ανά άτομο, χωρίς φόρους.

ONE Project | Our Natural Evolution


Τ.: 6972 284808
E.: one@oneproject.gr

Probiotic foods. Bacteria for health

What are probiotic foods?

(Pre + bios = promote life)

Probiotic foods are those containing living microorganisms (probiotics) which, when consumed in sufficient quantities, can prove to be beneficial to our health as they help maintain good bacterial balance in the gastrointestinal tract.

The most common types of probiotic bacteria are Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria.
Their beneficial benefits to our health are:

  • Prevention and better treatment of gastrointestinal diseases
    (inflammatory bowel disease-IBD, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, diarrhea, gastroenteritis, colitis, ulcers, infections, constipation).
  • Enhancement of the immune system (allergies, urogenital infections, low immunity, inflammation, food poisoning, after antibiotics’ use).
  • Improvement of intestinal function (digestion, absorption of nutrients).
  • Improving many parameters (cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, atopic diseases, oral health, etc.).
  • Better metabolism (absorption of trace elements, vitamin production, lipid metabolism and so on).
  • Anti-cancer action.
  • Dealing with lactose intolerance.

How they work

Probiotic bacteria that make up our intestinal flora are responsible for the fermentation of various substances from our food or stomach fluids, producing beneficial byproducts for the body, in contrast to the non-beneficial bacteria which are toxin producing.

Why to consume probiotic foods

The beneficial bacteria contained in the fermented foods, have multiple benefits for our organism:

  • They produce antimicrobial substances.
  • They compete with pathogenic bacteria.
  • They improve the immune system.
  • They promote digestion and nourishment in the body.


That’s why it’s important to consume them at every meal.

One tablespoon of pickles or miso with every meal provides us with enough beneficial probiotic bacteria for good health. We mainly recommend plant origin probiotic foods to avoid any side effects from animal foods or if we follow a vegan diet.

Vegetal probiotic foods are:

  • Pickles (without vinegar): Enhance digestion due to their lactobacteria. They are easily made with root or above ground vegetables such as: carrots, turnips, parsnips, daikon, cucumber, cauliflower, and onion and so on
  • Pickled cabbage-Sauerkraut (without sugar): rich in vitamin C, A, E, lactobacilli.
  • Miso (naturally fermented): a probiotic Superfood, rich in enzymes, lactobacteria, proteins, minerals, traces elements, isoflavones and so on.
  • Soy sauce and Tamari (naturally fermented): contains a large number of lactobacilli, enzymes, proteins, lots of antioxidants, trace elements and so on.
  • Tempeh: the Vegan opponent of meat, that beats it on nutritional basis.
  • Natto: 1 million active bacteria per 10 gr of product.

Transition to Macrobiotic lifestyle

The most common question someone has to deal with when changing into a Macrobiotic diet and lifestyle is “How do I adjust my daily routine?
How do I change my life to have the benefits of Macrobiotics?”

Usually, sudden changes are scaring.
That’s why we recommend some basic steps to start someone on the Macrobiotic path.

The path that makes us all to live with eagerness, health and a sense of freedom.

The true freedom that gives us the power to choose how we live and what health we are!

Proposals for Macrobiotic Changes:

  1. Chewing well every mouthful of our food (30-50 times in the beginning, until the food is in the mouth is pureed), helps to digest and assimilate better our food.
  2. If we follow the Macrobiotic Diet Standard (see HERE), we can be sure to have a holistic nutrition.
  3. It is better to avoid overeating. We stop eating when we feel full about 70-80%.
  4. Avoid Extreme (Yin-Yang) Foods. (Specifically: Sugar, salmon, tropical fruit + vegetables, dairy, eggs, meat), to avoid extreme behaviours and side effects.
  5. Contact with nature and daily exercise (Yoga, tai chi, swimming, walking in the mountains or even walking in the city!) is essential to be able to “go with the flow”.
  6. Let’s start our day with a warm miso soup and a happy tune to our lips! (Miso Soup because we prepare our body with the appropriate beneficial bacteria and enzymes for good digestion, and a happy song because we put our mood on a positive track).
  7. We cook on natural fire or gas instead of electric-microwaves (the frequency of electricity breaks the food particles, making food more Yin and destroying its molecular structure. On the fire food becomes more delicious!)
  8. For a good, restful, refreshing sleep, it is advisable to eat 3 hours before bedtime and to sleep before 11pm. 
  9. Avoid contact with synthetic and/or chemicals, synthetic clothes and cosmetics. Reduce our exposure to electromagnetic radiation (mobile-cordless phones, TV, PC etc)
    to increase our union with the universal and earthly energy.
  10. We understand that all phenomena come from the same Divine Source. We are grateful and thank the Universe for every new day of our lives.


Nattokinase, the enzyme of your heart!

The action of nattokinase

Nattokinase is an enzyme that reduces the ability of blood clots formation.

It is a natural ingredient of a soy food called Natto. A a super-food traditionally used for over a thousand years in Japanese cuisine.
References show that the Samurai used it daily, and they also gave it to their horses to increase their stamina and speed!

The anticoagulant miracle

When injured, the body produces fibrinogen (a white fibrous substance-protein) which “picks” red blood cells, by forming clots it stops bleeding and promotes healing of the wound. After the area is treated, the body produces an enzyme called plasmin, which cleaves the white fibrous protein and eliminates the thrombus.

As we grow older, our body produces less plasmin and more fibrinogen, resulting in easier clot formation, atheromatic plaques and so on. Thus, Nattokinase is a solution because it acts similarly to plasmin, dissolving the thrombi.

Overall benefits

By making blood “thinner”, Nattokinase protects against conditions that may contribute to heart attack, stroke, angina, peripheral arterial disease, deep vein thrombosis, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, poor circulation.

It may be beneficial to pain, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, endometriosis, fibroids, muscular spasms, infertility, cancer, beriberi (polyneuritis).
More evidence is needed to evaluate the above health-related uses.


As anticoagulant, care should be taken by people receiving anticoagulants and those who have frequent haemorrhages. Since we receive it in its natural form through our food, there are no special concerns. Perhaps it makes sense not to consume products with Nattokinase, a few days before surgery (surgery, dental treatment, etc.).


There is no specific dosage when taking Nattokinase in the form of food.
At home we eat 1 tablespoon of Natto per day, per person, 3-4 times a week.

Where do we find Nattokinase in its natural form?

The enzyme is found in Natto, a traditional food of Japanese gastronomy.

Natto is fermented food made of soy, with a slimy texture and a strong tastes a bit like Roquefort cheese. Its texture and aroma are repulsive factors for many, but very attractive to others, however Natto is a real treasure for our health, which is worth finding your way of seasoning it so that you like it and it consume it often to receive its benefts.

What does Natto contain?

  • About 1 billion active probiotic bacteria per gram of Natto!
  • The potent thrombolytic enzyme Nattokinase.
  • Vitamin K2 (Menaquinone): essential for proper blood clotting, preservation of flexible vessels, and calcium regulation in arteries and bones, enhancing cardiovascular and bone health (see Osteoporosis).

Benefits from Natto

  • Protection against gastrointestinal disorders (diarrhea, gastritis, peptic ulcer, dysentery, antibiotic diarrhea, etc.)
  • It reduces various allergic reactions.
  • It increases cytokines that enhance the immune against bacterial infections, injuries, osteoporosis, cancer etc
  • Helps reduce cholesterol and triglycerides, protecting against heart disease, stroke
  • Helps reduce pressure.

Other soy foods

While Natto is a Superfood for our health, there are many more foods made of soy. Those which haven’t been under a fermentation process (like soy milk, minced soy meat, kebabs, tofu, oil, mixtures with soy flour), do not possess therapeutic properties and can create digestive and assimilation problems…

Soybean contains phytic acid that binds minerals and trace elements (antinutritional) from other foods, and is not broken down by our body, making soy indigestible, among others factors.

Soy products are beneficial when fermented with specific fungi and bacteria, making soybean nutrients easily bioavailable.

Such foods are:

  • Tempeh, the traditional Indonesian food that is more nutritious than meat.
  • Miso, perhaps the most probiotic food, from the Japanese tradition.
  • Soy sauce traditionally produced with a natural fermentation method, without additives.

How do you eat Natto?

Our favorite recipe is to put a good dose of mustard, soy sauce and chop fresh onion and half a nori leaf. Sometimes add a little lemon juice.

If you do not like it at first, insist! In 4-5 days of daily consumption (1 tablespoon / day), you will see that you will start to like it and soon you will love it…

The sure thing is that if you “hear” your body, you will understand how much it benefits you, feeling your stomach being grateful to your choice.

We hope that you will also join the group Natto lovers and allow yourself to receive its countless benefits…

Macrobiotic Vegetarianism

It is possible to be vegetarian … and healthy! It’s enough to learn how to balance the foods you eat to be and stay healthy.


Here, Macrobiotics can be very useful.


Meat, poultry and fish offer a Yang counterweight for Yin foods such as sweets, pastries, dairy, soft drinks, etc. A problem is that our body cannot always process such foods unless we are very active to metabolize them normally.


When someone stops eating meat, he gradually discovers that he must also stop eating the Yin foods we mentioned; otherwise he will not feel well. I have seen this in people who like the idea of ​​vegetarianism and try it, but over time they get digestive problems, etc. Following a diet with many Yin foods slowly weakens the digestive tract and makes it unable to digest sufficient nutrients from vegetables, Fruit and dairy products. Weakness and loss of energy can also be the result of insufficient digestion and absorption of food.


A balanced vegetarian diet is possible if it is based on whole grains, seeds, legumes, seafood (for metals), and nuts and contains roots and green leafy vegetables. These foods, when properly cooked / prepared, can provide a balanced diet for a healthy, energy-filled life.


Many may ask why they should go through all this learning process that follows successful vegetarianism … but the benefits are many and not just limited to personal health. Being a vegetarian has a clear and positive environmental impact, it is more economical, humanistic and socially sensible, since the available sources of plant food are far more than the sources of animal feed in most areas.


Vegetarianism is a way of life that can solve the food crisis that occurs in many places on the planet. As waste and livestock waste and the inhumanity of animal exploitation when we can get what we need from plants is becoming more and more evident … the logic and wisdom of vegetarianism is emerging ever more clearly.


If this way of life interests you, but you still feel the need to eat animals for strength, you can make the transition to vegetarianism more gradually. Indeed, this may be the best way for the body of some people is accustomed to absorbing the nutrients needed by the animals and needs a smooth transition so that health is not put at risk.


As the land becomes more and more expensive, the cost of livestock farming will continue to increase. At some point the meat will become a kind of luxury and few will be able to have it. Then vegetarianism will not be just a choice, but it will be needed.


Fred Pulver


[Translate Vasilios Maurikius]


Cravings from the past

Cravings from the past

We do not need to be ashamed, but to treat them smartly!


“It’s in your kitchen, not in your mind!”


By making a dramatic change in our lives and nutrition, most people are confronted with the experience of missing some food from their old habits or having cravings for food that they did not imagine before.


By making better and healthier choices in place of our old desires, we can more quickly and easily “get rid of these crap and their consequences.


In Macrobiotic cuisine we use these materials and cooking styles, and as we become more familiar with them, the faster we will … end our past!


Fat for fat


Tofu sauce and / or Tempeh, vegetables salted with some oil, fried rice, fried noodles


Lime for bakery


Pickles, marinated (pressed salad), Seitan, pasta


Instead of dairy


Amazake, Miso as a seasoning, tofu cheese with Miso, fried Tempe, tofu as a base in sauces and sauces, nuts / seeds, tempura (deep frying),sauce with Miso-onion, seasoning Natto with mustard.


Instead of meat / poultry


Tempeh fried with onion, in sandwich

Vegetable or cereal burgers (millet-rice), e.g. Rice with beans

Sitting with salted vegetables, Seitan fried with pasta and tomato sauce, Seitan in Kimpira

Tofu, fried, salted or in the oven

(For those who are not ready to leave the animal ingredients) Boiled (or steaming) white-squeezed fish with ginger, onions and grated daikon (long-cut) and vegetables.


Healthier proteins


Soups of Legumes, Tempe, Seitan, Natto, Soup with Miso / Tamari


Healthy sweets without sugar


Vegetable butter (onion / pumpkin), chestnut cream, apple / pear juice, Amazake cream, cooked or baked fruit, rice cream, seasonal fruit tarts, sugar-chestnut balls.

Sweet vegetables, Nishime style, carrot soup, sweet corn.

Carrot cake, couscous cake, fruit jelly – rice cake – rice milk.


Other factors that help manage the crap:


Schedule your meal. Prepare your snacks and meals so you will not resort to ready solutions. It is also more economical!

Variety, variety, variety! Different materials, spices and cooking patterns will satisfy the palate and make it easier to feel satiety. Incorporate all tastes into your everyday life.

Relax. Sleep, meditation, yoga, resting body, mind and spirit to ask for less food for our energy needs.

Conscious choices. See how your food affects and rank it in the desired or not. Thinking only on the basis of taste, we continue the vicious circle. Nutritional change also requires mental work. By altering our eating choices, you will soon see a change in taste preferences! Choose healthier, discard unhealthy.

Watch the next Macrobiotics Basic Education cycle to learn how to use the above ingredients and how to make them to balance your diet according to your needs:


Macrobiotic & Vegan Cuisine for Everyone Flowidity | Series of seminars

Macrobiotics or veganism

Many times when we post news or comments about Macrobiotic cuisine on social networks and groups of people engaged in vegan diet, many people react by saying that Macrobiotic is not vegan but contains fish or other animal food.

Then there are endless discussions on information from sources that mention Macrobiotics on the Internet or elsewhere and actually say about the use of animal materials.


What is the reality then?

Reality is analogous to each one’s view.


So I quote you our point of view. The Macrobiotics of ONE Project…


What do we consider Macrobiotic?


Macrobiotics is a way of life, a system that leads to a healthy, balanced and joyful everyday life. It includes a nutritional model, daily activities, self-diagnosis and self-esteem techniques, exercise, meditation and relaxation techniques, astrological predictions and many other applications.


At the core of Macrobiotics is the diet, where we learn how to make tasty, nutritious and healthy meals based on raw foods such as cereals, organic-seasonal-local vegetables, pulses, and algae, natural fermentation products (Miso, soy sauce, Cranberry and cranberries). Suggests abstaining from artificially-processed foods, sugar, non-seasonal and tropical fruits and vegetables.


Many of the flavorings and culinary methods used are from Japan, a place with a long, rich tradition in the processing and production of foods beneficial to our health.


These ingredients enrich our diet with probiotic bacteria and enzymes, minerals and trace elements, vitamins, antioxidants and plant proteins, producing an enhancing, relaxing and antioxidant effect.


Macrobiotic nutrition has the capacity to adapt according to our needs, the place of residence, the climate, our state of health, our goals, and so on.


It teaches us how to understand the energy status of each food and how it is produced, and how it affects us, so that we can tailor our diet accordingly and have the results we need, considering our environment.


It is not based on emotional criteria for choosing our food, but rather in practical terms.


Thus, it is natural for a person living in a polar climate to feed on animal foods that he hunts and catches and which dominate in his area (against the lack of plant) and make him adapt to the cold climate. Respectively, someone living in a tropical climate makes it more sensible not to consume any animal feeds, since they will be unbalanced, causing him to become too warm and have a great mental worry. This does not mean that an Eskimo is less human than a Greek!


This is the traditional way that people feed on the planet over the centuries.


Furthermore, changing the way of life today also changes the nutritional data since it is not the same to eat animal foods; someone who moves, hunts, sports, has a very energetic life, with someone working in an office, walking in the center of the city, Go to gym or do yoga 2-3 times a week coke.


With regard to areas characterized by a temperate climate of 4 seasons, such as Greece, Macrobiotic (and ONE Project) incitement is to avoid animal food from everyday life, especially dairy, meat, eggs, poultry , Oily fish and seafood. In people who already consume such foods, we suggest replacing them with plant replacements such as Tempe, Seitan, Natto, butter / milk nuts and cereals, or if they have difficulty initially, prefer less harmful to human and global health, food, like white fish.


Our goal is to attract more people to vegetarianism and not to scare them – and to remove them – with descriptions and criticisms. Let’s show them that the transition to a vegetarian diet is a delightful experience for themselves, the planet, and the animals. Let’s give them the opportunity, the opportunity to change according to their degree of readiness. Just as we were given this “margin” by our teachers when we were eating animal feeds while they did not…


On the other hand, the Mediterranean diet is famous for its macrobiotic properties and for protecting our health from modern pathogens such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, obesity, gastrointestinal or digestive problems, because of the richness of fiber, complex carbohydrates, Vitamins and antioxidants that include its essential ingredients.

So, in the college of ONE Project, we have been experimenting for more than 6 years, following the Macrobiotics system, and creating a blend of Mediterranean and Japanese cuisine that combines the above-mentioned benefits.


This is what we share in our seminars and workshops. Our experience of joining our Mediterranean heritage with the long wisdom of the Far East.


We invite you to come and share this wonderful challenge with curiosity, open mind and heart.


Take part in our seminars, come to our meetings, read our articles and recipes, contact us and change your life in a natural, peaceful and joyful way.


Yours sincerely


The ONE Project team.

Cereals as the basis of human nutrition the nutritional evolution of the species

Part A | The nutritional evolution of the species

Part B The basis of human nutrition

Part C Cereal types and their characteristics


Part A | The nutritional evolution of the species


Food is the foundation of life … and life is the foundation of food.

This is the approach of Macrobiotics to the evolution of species. In essence, it states the interactive and bi-directional relationship of the species (plants and animals) that had their evolution over time, their adaptation to the natural environment and the climatic changes.



4.5 billion years ago the Earth was covered with water and minerals. 3.5 billion years ago, some of the minerals were converted to carbohydrates, fat and protein – an organic substance. Three billion years ago the bacteria appeared in the water. Some form of high intensity energy, such as lightning and activity near the Earth’s core (volcanoes), may have been the cause of organic matter change in bacteria. These simple plants were the first form of life on Earth.


From these simple plants the first photosynthetic plankton developed. Part of this plant plankton became more active (Yang) to survive the cold weather (Yin). In cold weather, the most Yin of the plant species die while the most Yang survive. The living organisms that fed with Yang Plankton naturally became Yang’s more. As the plant plankton became more and more Yang, at some stage it was transformed into animal plankton. This happened on a large scale about 1.5 billion years ago. Spongies (which belong to the animal kingdom) sprang up 1 billion years ago, 500 million years later followed by shellfish, and after another 100 million years, various species of fish began to appear.

When large masses of land were created between the oceans some 300 million years ago, some species of plants were adapted and established on the land. As some fish adapted their survival in both environments, they evolved into amphibians. After about 50 million years the ferns and mosses were in abundance, the reptiles appeared, and then the insects appeared. In this period, about 200 million years ago, the climate was warm (Yang) and Yin life styles such as dinosaurs and huge ferns dominated.


Then the climate started to cool, about 150 million years ago, and the ferns began to decline and replace the first barefoot – plants whose seeds are exposed. Then there were animals that could feed on these seeds, birds and mammals.

More than 100 million years ago, angiosperms – plants whose grains are enriched in the ovary – made their appearance in the forefront, offering a more Yang form of animal feed. As some animals became and the more Yang began to hunt and feed on other animals, making them even more Yang. That’s how the carnivores evolved. The other, most Yin, animals fled to the trees. It was the beginning of the first mammals that fed almost exclusively fruitarian primates 75 years ago. After 25 million years, mainly due to the dilution of the vegetation, the first monkeys and monkeys appeared. These species, while continuing to feed on the trees, could also live on the ground.

The different species of herbs and herbs began to grow about 25 million years ago. Fruit-eating monkeys began eating cereals 10 million years ago. Bringing more carbohydrates into their diet, essential for the development of the brain and the nervous system. For many, that is why they managed to stand up as a natural consequence of the change in their diet. By changing their attitude, their hands were freed from the function of body support and became more skillful. This was the appearance of the homofaber, 5 million years ago, which made the first tools. About a million years ago, the fire was discovered, marking the origin of Homo sapiens, the kind of modern man we are. Fire has given people the power to transfuse food, unlocking and making their energy available.

The cultivation of the earth came a long way. Until then, the survival of the Paleolithic man was not based on his physical strength and armament, but on the tools and the power of his mind. It was the result of its nutritional support for cereals.

At the end of the glacial period, the ice collapsed and new conditions were created in the wider region. The challenge of this environmental change has exhale people to find ways to control their environment and food, so that they cannot be exposed again. She began to grow plants and has domestic animals. It was the beginning of agriculture and livestock farming. In this way it no longer needed to move seasonally, managed to stabilize their dietary supplies, creating the first settlements, at first, and then the first cities and the first major cultures.


Babylon, Egypt, Greece and Rome were based on the cultivation of cereals such as wheat, oats and millet. In India, China and Japan the crop was mainly concentrated on rice. The Incas, the Mayans and the Aztecs mainly used corn for their daily bread. In all these ancient civilizations we find mythologies that recognize cereals as divine gifts from life-giving deities.


All this ancient tradition has been forgotten by most, except for a few who have managed and kept it alive such as George Oshawa, which he spread through the consolidation of Macrobiotic as a way of life.


[Free translation from Basic Macrobiotics | By Herman Aihara | Revised edition 1998]

Tamari, one of Japan’s well-kept secrets

TAMARI soy sauce | ταμάρι

Although until recently was not particularly well known outside of Japan, Tamari, with its deep color, its special culinary and gluten-free qualities, has now become an important “ingredient” in the hands of those who cook more natural foods and Asian flavors. Few people, however, understand its importance as a savory seasoning. Tamari is one of Japan’s well-kept secrets.


Unlike soy sauce (Shoyu), Tamari does not contain wheat, and gluten.

It shares similar properties with Miso and Soy Sauce, avoiding the problems caused by unfermented soy products. Scientists are particularly focused on pigments that give it rich antioxidant properties. Due to its higher soy content, it is considered to be the most “healthy” and vigorous variety of soy sauce.

Very good source of iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, B vitamins, complete proteins (including all essential amino acids). It enhances the absorption of calcium and magnesium by the body. Excellent source of high quality polyunsaturated fatty acids and essential fatty acids.

Rich in antioxidants, such as vitamin. E, saponins, melanoidins (the dark color in Miso, Soy sauce, Tamari), isoflavones, A-tocopherol.

It has a higher protein than that of animal foods, such as lamb and salmon.


Tamari has similar properties to other soy products that have undergone a natural fermentation process, such as Miso and Soy Sauce.

More specifically, it offers to our health:

[Su_list icon = “icon: circle” icon_color = “# e7760c”]
  • Enhances digestive function, helps against digestive / intestinal tract infections, acts as an anti-cancer agent, and neutralizes acidic condition of the body.
  • Rich in antioxidants, phenolic acids (vanillic, syringic, coumaric, ferulic) and plant isoflavones (genistein, daidzein, glytisin, gentisin), which act as anti-cancer, protect against osteoporosis and cognitive degeneration. Due to fermentation, the isoflavone concentration increases even 20 times more, compared to non-fermented soybeans.
  • Rich in melanoidines, the brown polymers which are considered to be substances with antioxidant and antimicrobial activity, that they also help with the absorption of iron.
  • It contains proteolytic enzymes that break down the complex proteins.
  • The high content of amino acids enhances the opinion that it helps to reduce tumors, enhances immune, liver and hormonal functions, weight loss, male fertility, and smoothness of blood sugar levels.
  • It is a probiotic bacteria factory that increases the bioavailability and absorption of nutrients, while helping maintain a healthy pH environment in the digestive system.
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Like dark miso and soy sauce, Tamari is particularly rich in melanoidines, which can reduce cancer tumors (Aichi Gakuin University).
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  • Lee CYJ, Isaac HB, Wang H et al. Cautions in the use of biomarkers of oxidative damage; the vascular and antioxidant effects of dark soy sauces in humans. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Volume 344, Issue 3, 9 June 2006, pages 906-911. 2006.
  • Mashilipa C, Wang Q, Slevin M et al. Antiglycation and antioxidant properties of soy sauces. J Med Food. 2011 Dec; 14 (12): 1647-53. Epub 2011 Aug 23, 2011.
  • Matsushita H, Kobayashi M, Tsukiyama R et al. Stimulatory effect of Shoyu polysaccharides from soy sauce on the intestinal immune system. Int J Mol Med. 2008 Aug; 22 (2): 243-7. 2008.
  • Yang B, Prasad N, Xie H et al. Structural properties of oligosaccharides from soy sauce lees and their potential prebiotic effect on lactic acid bacteria. Food Chemistry, Volume 126, Issue 2, May 15, 2011, pages 590-594. 2011.
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In ancient times, Tamari was the liquid produced by Miso’s production process. Since the 13th century, its independent production began in central Japan. Since then, the recipe has been followed and shifted from generation to generation. In the autumn, traditional production units soak beans in artesian water. The next morning, they steam and then melt them and form balls covered with barley flour and Aspergillus fungus. They are placed in a special place for 3 days. Afterwards they are left on bamboo mats for 2 weeks to dry and then mixed with water and salt solution in huge cedar casks to age for 18 months. Enzymes and bacteria break down complex carbohydrates, proteins and fats into simple sugars, tasty amino acids and fatty acids. Finally, the mixture is pressurized with high pressure and filtered through cotton sacks, giving the viscous liquid Tamari.


Its unique flavor and texture makes it a delicious seasoning for a variety of recipes. It can be cooked for longer than Soy Sauce and is especially used in winter to give strength to vegetarian dishes on the cold days. Because of the greater concentration of glutamic acid, it gives a stronger taste to more insipid materials such as tofu and Tempeh. It can be used in sauces, soups, pickle, pot recipes, marinades and others.


Authentic Tamari by ONE Project, produced from 2 parts soy and 1 part water. Therefore, it is very thick, rich and concentrated.

In contrast, in order to save time and money, modern, conventional Tamari producers use a proportion of 10 parts soy in 10 parts of water, resulting in a more diluted product and a lighter flavor. Furthermore, in Tamari produced by a quick procedure, soybeans are hexane-treated to remove fat, and fermented at high temperatures for three to six months, and often bottled with additives. Another lower grade product, called Tamari synthetic, is often sold at supermarkets. This product is not even a product of fermentation, rather a mixture of hydrolyzed soy protein, color additives and flavoring agents.
In ONE Project, we take care to report 100% organic ingredients (soy, water, sea salt, traces of barley flour, Aspergillus oryzae / koji) and the natural fermentation process. If we are looking for Authentic Tamari, then we must be careful that the country of origin is ONLY Japan.